
My Voice Within...


I have started writing again.

For years, I always knew there was a writer in me and I wrote intermittently. There were years when words flowed from within me like a river un-dammed. I wrote on my blog. When I look back at some of my writing, I can still see the spark.

Then, there was a decided period of time when I felt I could not get any words out, try as I may. I retched and coughed, but nothing of consequence came out. I was empty. The well had run dry.

Now, again, I feel the pulse. I am beginning to be prolific, almost as if I fear another drought and want to outrun it. I was wondering about the reason behind my new found fountain of wordsmithing. Then, it struck me....


For the

rest of the story, click here to Medium

, where I have been writing a fair bit recently! 

Have you tried Medium? What do you think?

Oh Wheat!


That is a photo from not so long ago. One of my favorite lunches while working from home was a crispy sourdough sandwich stuffed a lot of goodness. I would assemble it the night before and simple toast it in the afternoon. It was a wonderful break from the routine. I sat and read for a bit and life was usually good after that.

Ok, it was kind of good :). In my mind I was relaxed and happy for the break. But, actually, within me at a molecular level, all was not well. Cells fought each other, got angry and basically gave me the middle finger. They let me have it. But, in the post-lunch bliss, I did not perceive these cellular frictions much. Sometimes it took a few hours before I became cognizant of any struggle. And, then as the battle went on for a few days, I always wondered what I had done wrong.

I think I always knew it. But, I didn't want to know it. It has been confirmed.

I am allergic to Wheat.

Yes, I know! WTF!

Ok, I have to be thankful that I am not celiac, or generic gluten intolerant, just wheat. Right now, I am still mulling over what I can eat. There are tons and tons of other grains and stuff. But, there are also an amazing array of stuff that goes into normal eating that carry wheat. I just found out that soy sauce has wheat in it. Why? How? What?! So, yes, no soy sauce obviously. Lol.

I am bit stunned at the moment. But, I know that it is not going to be that limiting. The only thing is I have to be more careful what I eat outside. Oh! And, cook more because that is the best way I can control.

When my doctor gave me the prognosis and asked if I was ok, because I was sitting there looking seemingly vacuous. Oddly, I was already thinking of all the experiments I was going to do with other grains and dishes that I could make. For about five minutes, I couldn't even think of anything I would not be able to eat other than bread and pasta (the latter is fine, the former I am struggling with). Perhaps, a coping mechanism?


Anyway, so you are going to see a fair phasing out of wheat products on this blog and a lot more of other grains and possibly some funky experiments. I like gluten free food anyway. This is simply a good reason to explore more! :)

On that positive note, I bid you a wonderful weekend with some inspirations from the web.

I can't eat it but I can still ogle, right?! Gorgeous croissants.

Such a simple, glorious cake.

A lot of talk about Kombucha these days. Have you tried making it? I am curious about

this book by Emma Christenson.

Starbucks in Colombia

looks nothing like Starbucks!

A really cool

homage to Handsome Coffee

Roasters that was bought by Blue Bottle Coffee.

Those boots! I want.

I would love to stay here, some day.

Reading this book now. I am a sucker for History.

Her first, was very good.

This is my weekend!! Yay!

There is Nothing Wrong

Asian Takeout

I just want to get something off my chest.

I love food. Specifically, good food. By that I mean, food that is good for me, and tasty and really scrumptious. As most of us in the food writing world know and truly believe, they are not mutually exclusive. In fact, if A then B follows automatically. Which is to say, what you put in is what you get out.

Well, we all knew this. That is one of the reasons we, as a clan, cook or bake possibly a lot more than the average world citizen. The best way to ensure quality is well to make it yourself and we do that, passionately. I will easily wager that any of the food bloggers I know cook as well, if not better than, some of the best chefs in the world. If you could get one, their tables are the best reservations you can possibly ever make for a meal.

Thai Green Curry with salad

A lot of times I am asked two things -

1. Wow, where do you find the time?

2. How do you stay slim with all that cooking and baking?

The second bit is something that has been and is addressed in various forms. Really, its portion control. Giulia shared

this article

, in her latest


, which, captures the gist perfectly.

- Don't eat everything on your plate, at restaurants. Or, as is practiced in most homes, serve yourself what you will eat and not more, and, eat all of it.

- Don't eat what does not taste good. This does require an understanding of what does and does not taste good but we will assume that, for the sake of argument, and go with your current palate.

- Always keep room for leftovers and next day's lunch or dinner. This helps point 1.

- Exercise and be conscious of the balance between energy input and expense. This comes in handy especially when you visit your or a friend's house and the mom would get affronted if you don't clean everything in the bowl and ask for more. Well, in that case, just work out a little more that day and next, or, possibly, the week.

Thai Green Curry with salad takeout

Now, the first question is what I want to address today...

I caveat it with a cliche "Where there is will.." and all that stuff. The reality is that the intuitive ease of cooking does not happen overnight. Much like any other skill, it comes with interest and practice. Again, the former aids the latter. So, well, I find cooking easy now because I have a fair few years of experience in it. It was not quick when I started but I love food and I stuck to it.

But, that does not mean I like cooking everyday. I don't and falling for the rather common excuse, I don't always have the desire, time or energy to cook on some days. I may have the best cut of awesomest pasture raised meat and the crispest farm produce in my pantry. I still don't want to look at them, much less make them into something I know can be mouth wateringly delicious. There are days, I wish someone would just cook for me because I would prefer that over ordering in. Nevertheless, the gist is I want food to appear magically and I want none of the work.

Sometimes, it is not fatigue, it is spontaneity. When you are with friends, it may be easier to eat out and simply focus on the experience of enjoying the company rather than step away from that bubble to cook, especially, when you have not planned for it.

Thai Green Curry with salad leftover

And, I say,

it is OK!

It is ok to have down days. It is ok to not want to cook everyday. It is ok to order in some days. It is ok to be a couch potato some times. It is ok to put your feet up.

It is

OK to take a photograph of a take out container

and of leftover food from a night of ordering in. It is ok to put that up on a food blog dedicated to homemade goodness and recipes sharing space with an incredibly yummy

cecina sandwich


Just remember to expend a little more energy the next day! :)

On an Easter Monday I wrote

Carrot Bread

Come to me and I will whisper secrets in your ears.

Walk with me and I will let you see where I live.

Listen to me and I will let you hear how I laugh.

Open to me and I will show you a surprise.

Tell me your worries and I will soothe you to be calm.

Hush, my love!

Take me not at face, for I run deeper than you perceive.

- Asha

These are the words that would come to me on a rainy day, huddled around a candle that shows off the sparkle in the eyes and the glint of suspended laughter while the sky breaks outside.

These are words that come to me after a weekend spent in the nation's capital - Washington DC.

Rain drops on the window

At first glimpse, you probably thought this was a love note. It could be. It is also to me what the capital of 'power stands for, shifting sands, changing faces, emerging trends, whispered promises, vibrant laughter at unexpected quarters.

So, yes that is what I did over the Easter weekend. Took a bus down. Sans camera. Walked around the capital. Sans camera. Visited a Smithsonian museum. Sans camera. Dined and libated very well. Sans camera. Throughly enjoyed. Sans camera. Oh! I made memories. Sans camera.

As I was packing on Saturday morning for a bus leaving an hour, I spent 15 minutes wrestling with myself on the subject of bringing my camera with me. The advantages were obvious - great shots of a new city and new experiences, another catalog to add to the book on how I lived and yes, I will feel normal, like me. I am always capturing the moment, so to speak. It only made sense I should continue to do so! Yet, yet, there was a part of me that simply did not want to. A part that harkened back to the good old days of walking into something new without worrying about how to record it for posterity, the part that brings back rich memories imprinted in my mind at whim, the part that languishes as my camera has become my bff, the part that had had simply enough. So, in the end, I made a conscious choice of leaving the big camera behind and if need be, use my phone camera.

Simply the best decision ever!

Jefferson Library
Capitol Hill
Union Station DC

Not only, did I not have to carry a whole other bag that was camera friendly, but I found that I was simply more in the moment. Instead of spending my time viewing through the lens and composing shots every step I took and in the process, half-ignoring all other stimuli and the company, I was watching, listening, absorbing.. Ahem, being normal! Instead of shooting every glass, plate and whatever else was put in front me, I turned to my neighbor at the bar and had a chat. I had a blast!

I loved the freedom of not picture perfecting my break.. :)

So, my impressions of the city. It is one in transition. The food scene seems to be just breaking. As is the coffee scene. Staying close to the Hill was good for tourism and museum hunting but not so great for life. That I found in DuPont circle and the area. I may be forgiven for drawing comparisons to Boston and New York but that part of DC reminded me of both cities in parts. It also helped that we had some really tasty bites and the best coffee in DC here!

Oh! and the awesomest thing about DC is that it is much cheaper than NYC. If you hunt around and prepare, you can find nuggets of gold, in whatever your choice of poison, at prices far lower than NYC or Boston standards. People are amazingly friendly, open and chatty, but not everywhere. Bobby Van's in Downtown is a miss, Old Ebbitt Grill by the Treasury (of all places) is a vibrant bar with awesome food, amazing bartender (Joe) and a completely unpretentious atmosphere. José Andrés rocks! His concept bar, bar mini, is amazing. Do not miss! And ask for Carly. She is fun, quirky, CIA grad and amazing mixologist. Also, settle for a few hours there. Totally worth it! Oh, and get the foieffle. If that is the last bite of your life, you will die happy!

I took a sparing few photos, of my trip to DC on the phone, that I have shared here.

Carrot Bread
Carrot bread with brandied fruits

And, now, because we started this post with the romantic image of a rainy day, let us finish with that.

Nothing beats baking on a day when you are forced to stay indoors. of course, you can get through that backlog of work, writing, editing, proofing, thinking, reading, etc. But baking is more fun, more fulfilling, more sparkling and laughter enabling. Trust me! I have a lot of experience in this.

Also, I love the light on rain days. They make amazing shoots. Case in point.

I was meant to share this pre-Easter but well, things got away and this is going to be your weekend brunch or weekday dessert. Make it any day. You will be happy and nothing wrong with a treasure hunt on a normal day. Break it up. Make Carrot Bread. With brandied fruits. Don't skip the brandy. It is perfect for the rainy day.

This carrot bread is like any other quick bread. If you have a recipe for a zucchini or banana bread that you love, simply use that. That is what I did. If you don't I have one here just for you. As it is a little denser than cake, I would not recommend simply baking in a round tin and calling it cake. It won't work.

Cracked Eggs

Part 2 of this recipe, involves more baking and will be telecast in another episode. Until then, as the days warm up, lets just make sweet breads and call it a day, shall we?!

Happy week! xx

Whole Wheat Carrot Bread

{makes 1 five inch loaf}

Carrot Bread

1 cup whole wheat flour

2 medium carrots, grated

1 tsp grated nutmeg

1 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp salt

1 egg

5 T butter

1/4 cup whole milk or almond milk

1/2 cup raw sugar, ground + 2 tsp to sprinkle on top

3 T brandied fruits (I used raisins and cranberries)

Preheat oven to 350F.

Melt together the butter and sugar and set aside to cool.

Whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt and nutmeg.

Whisk in an egg to the cooled butter mixture and add the milk. Pour mixture to the dry ingredients to create a batter.

Fold in the carrots and brandied fruits. Sprinkle the remaining sugar on top.

Pour batter into a lined loaf pan and bake for 35-40 minutes until browned and springy to touch.

Cool on rack for 15 minutes before slicing.

Serve with honey, more brandied fruits and chopped fresh fruit or creme fraiche.