
Hello December !

Hello December !

What are you looking forward to this season?

Every year, I feel a desire to spend this time in slowing down, going within rather than out, resting - a desire to ground, cherish and root. So, this year, I decided, I just would do that. I am going to listen to what I and my family need and want and flow with that. That means, I may be baking scones with my kids because she wants to, not because I feel I need to bake something to post. Or, decorating the house over several days mindfully and/or not putting up many decorations at all. It means not spending money to create experiences but rejoicing in what we already have and holding together what matters most, intentionally. It doesn't mean I don't plan special projects; it means having the ability to let go of a plan when it doesn't feel right, and, to simply stay present and alive.

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