- Animation! The magic mantra to learning something that isn't so much fun. TED Ed does it well talking about things involving the brain and music with not so stick figures and some subway lines.
- Speaking of keep the attention, multi-tasking is not so much a virtue it seems. Are you an obsessive multi tasker or only when you are bored?
- Do we really get so bored? Flitting from earthquakes to legal cases to White House dinners.
- Sometimes the copy is better than the original, especially, when the former is a retake of the latter's idea. 7 movie posters re-done by fans that are cooler than the original.
- Apparently, there is an average heal height for different states! Gilting it up.
- Chipotle takes a stance. So? It really is just another story of marketing.
- In playing the cheap, good and fast game with food, Megan argues the virtues of making choices with some splendid recipe links.
- My favorite way for rocking a great brunch at home is awesome bread. Everyone can be a boulanger!
- One of my favorite online publications, The Upshot by NY Times turned a year old. I am not misty eyed but my eyes do pop at the awesome job they have done of story telling with numbers. Check out their most popular articles of the year. There is one about Chipotle too, which, ranks high for me. Which is yours?
- A seriously compelling video and tips for cooking fish without fear. The video will want you heading to the market after that coffee now.
And, in honor of Kentucky Derby, some arresting hat styles from yesterday's show.