So, anyway, I had this carton. I had gotten through about a third of it. And, those berries. I really did not want another smoothie. Really, really not. Fortuitously, I had just received a delivery of gelatin and decided I must use it somehow. Lo and behold, and, I smacked my head. Why had I not thought of it before! In my head, loomed the vision of a delicate translucent flesh encasing berries that would glow in luscious redness from inside. And, the whole thing would shimmy on the platter like once Nigella Lawson famously quoted "a courtesan's thigh"! Aha!
And, you know what. I also wanted it in a fun shape. It had to be something like a bundt cake. I wanted it tall and seductive. I wanted layers. Yes I did. But then, I never was good with three dimensional perspective (I barely passed my course on engineering drawing!). I had basically misjudged the amount of coconut water I had and the width of the pan. So, I ended up with a squat ranch style creation. But but but. It tasted brilliant!!
Even though I was full of confidence about my idea, I was still worried about its execution. You see, only after I had poured it into the mold, did it occur to me that it may not be the easiest task to get it out without tearing given all the ridges and funky nooks. Especially, since I wanted that quivering jelly, which, meant a soft set and that means so, so, so delicate. As it happened, sister luck decided to smile on me and a gentle dip in warm water slipped the whole jelly right out of mold just like... well...
fill in the blank with something to do with a courtesan